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The Master Chefs

Pan-fried B.C. Dungeness Crab with Salted Egg Yolk by Chef Timmy TsuiPan-fried B.C. Dungeness Crab with Salted Egg Yolk by Chef Timmy Tsui

On 18, Feb 2013 | In | By Chinese Restaurant Awards

Pan-fried B.C. Dungeness Crab with Salted Egg Yolk by Chef Timmy Tsui

This recipe is an award-winning signature dish by Chef Jimmy Tsui. The gooey richness of salty-duck egg yolks is infused with the sweetness of B.C. Dungeness crabs. Together with the chewy sticky rice cake, the dish has been long adored by both food critics and diners of Chinese Restaurant Awards.


1 B.C. Dungeness crab (approx. 2.5lb)
6 salty duck egg yolks
1 pack of Korean sticky rice cakes
½ tsp salt
A pinch of cornstarch


1. Steam salty egg yolks until fully cooked; mash cooked egg yolks and put aside.
2. Cook sticky rice cakes in water over high heat until soften.
3. Clean and chop crab into large pieces; coat the pieces with cornstarch. Deep-fried crab pieces in a generous amount of oil. Put aside when done.
4. Heat a small amount of oil over low heat. Add mashed egg yolk and salt; stir-fry until the mixture bubbles.
5. Add crab pieces to the egg yolks and mix thoroughly. Finally, stir in rice cakes.

Big Chef Restaurant
1060 – 8580 Alexandra Road
Richmond, BC V6X4B3
Tel: (604) 207-0386