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The Master Chefs

On 18, Feb 2013 | In | By Chinese Restaurant Awards

Chef Leung Pong Wing, Shiang Garden Seafood Restaurant

Blessed with almost five decades of professional culinary experience, the late Chef Leung Po Wing continuously re-invented Chinese cuisine with his creative cooking style and well-honed traditional skills. Being raised in Hong Kong, Chef Leung was exposed to a variety of cuisine and then was given chance to further advance the catering career in Vancouver since 1977. In his kitchen, he set the standard in the preparation of authentic dishes that celebrate the heritage and traditions of time-honored Chinese cooking methods that made him to head Shiang Garden Seafood Restaurants to be one of the restaurants in the city with the most award winning signature dishes recommended by the food critics of Chinese Restaurant Awards.

Our highly respected Master Chef Leung Pong Wing passed away in 2015. His legacy will live on forever.

The late Chef Leung Pong Wing was the executive chef at
Shiang Garden Seafood Restaurant (Permanently closed)
Suite 2200-4540 No. 3 Rd,
Richmond, BC V6X 2C2
Tel: (604) 273-8858

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